GITA is an acronym for Global Information
Technology Academy.
I take GITA 2 class
as a sophomore of BOHS.

I learn how to make motion graphics using
Cinema 4D as a hobby.

My favorite sports is basketball.
I am in the school basketball team.

My favorite food is chicken. My favorite chicken is BBurinkle, a
korean fried chicken seasoned with cheesy seasoning.

My favorite game is League of Legends,. My goal is to go
to Platinum tier.

My favorite electronics brand is
Apple. I have MacBook, IPhone,
Airpods Pro, Apple watch, and IPad.

I was grown up in South Korea. My
parents are both Korean.

I take Spanish as a foreign language
in Class. I can speak Korean, English,
and Spanish

I like to listen to music. I listen to music whenever
I have to focus. I listen to any type of music.

My favorite subject is math.
I am taking honors pre
calculus right now.

My favorite movie series is Marvel.
I have watched all of the MCU movies.

I like to watch NBA. I don't have a favorite
team yet.

My favorite desert is icecream.
My favorite flavor is yogurt.

I like to take pictures with my phone.
That is why I want a better phone.

My favorite place to go. Grand Canyon