Edward Cho

Computer Science 1

Welcome to my website! My name is Edward Cho and I am a Fresman at Brea Olinda High School. I am enrolled in GITA 1, and learning how to use programing language C#, by using Visual Studio. This website provides information about the programs I coded throughout the course. You can also download my programs by clicking the pictures of each program. Enjoy my website!

Good Bye Program
This program translates the word "Good Bye" in 4 different languages
About Page
This program provides a information about a imaginary company "E-Cloud."
Mailing Label
This program makes a mailing label for the user based on the user's information given to the program.
Car Rental Program 1.0
This program calculates the price of the car rental service.
BMI Calculator
This program calculates the user's BMI and tell how good or bad the result is.
Car Rental Program 2.0
This program is a upgrade version of Car Rental Program 1.0. Options of cars are added.
Test Score Program
This program calculates the letter grade of the test grade and compares 2 test scores.
Dice Program
This program randomly rolls two dices, tells the sum of two numbers and the chance of getting that sum.
Craps Game
This program lets the user play the craps game.
T-Shirt Sales Program
This program calculates the price of a t-shirt depending on the options customer chose and shows summary of the sales for the manager.
Slot Machine Program
This program is a simulator of a slot machine.
Rock Paper Scissors
Two users can play rock paper scissors with this program.